What we do

ECC is run on a not-for-profit basis by Edge Hill University and was set up with support from the Department for Education. Since 2008, we have supported over 6,750 schools in and beyond the United Kingdom to help over 175,000 children who have had difficulties with mathematics.

We provide interventions, training and professional development for schools:

  • we create interventions to help children who struggle with numeracy to catch up with their peers, and we train and support teachers and teaching assistants to deliver them.
  • we provide professional development to help schools and teachers to raise teaching standards and sustain high achievement for all children.
  • we work with many other agencies, academic institutions, charities, mathematics organisations and specialists on special projects and research. Our aim is to improve learning and teaching for all.

Many head teachers took an interest in the training and reported that it was the best they had ever seen, and should serve as a benchmark for future training / professional development.

DfE, Independent Evaluation of Every Child Counts, 2011

How we work

Every Child Count’s administrative and management base is in the Department of Primary and Childhood Education at Edge Hill University in Ormskirk. Contact details here.

Local Providers – find one near you here – provide the training and support for your staff through Trainers who are accredited by Edge Hill University. Providers run central training courses in local venues and can also deliver customised packages for your school, cluster or Academy chain. Contact us or a local Provider for more details.